Monday, July 4, 2011

Hidden in Plain Sight

Falling Waters Tree Frog Keeping Cool
I happened to spot this Gray Treefrog while searching for Monarch caterpillars on milkweed plants. The Gray Treefrog can turn gray, green or brown depending on his surroundings I was sure this little guy would jump just before I got a picture, but he stayed real still. Maybe he thought I didn't see him. These frogs are not endangered and are flourishing all over the lakes, swamps and wetland areas of Michigan. It is the Leopard and Pickerel Frogs that are getting scarce. They seem to be more sensitive to environmental changes. If I find one, I'll definately get a pic. More wild plants and animals to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Kewl! You know alot about wildlife! Keep the info going!
