Friday, August 17, 2012

Touring Season is Upon Us

Bike Tourers Ride past Bucky Harris Park in Jackson MI
I passed these hardy riders a few days ago and wondered where they all found the time to go on a long tour. Either they were all on vacation from work at the same time or are between jobs. For me to do this would require getting a much lighter bike and some nice tools and equipment purchases. I suppose the Easy Tourer would rent hotel rooms but the Dedicated Tourer must camp out every night. I wonder if the real hard-core tourers even catch all their own food. Now that would be self-sustaining efficiency. At least in a big pack, you can help each other when problems arise. Don't think its a good idea to tour alone, 300 miles from home ,without a phone [batteries died]. Just be sure to ride along the safest roads you can and wear reflective clothing and have bike lights. If its foggy out, don't ride. If its raining hard, don't ride. Even go out of your way to bypass a busy road. We want you back in one piece to ride again! This is Jimio saying *Ride for Fun* *Ride for Health* and *Ride Safely and Responsibly*


  1. I find that I would use either method of overnighting. Hotel or camping. I do alot of biking on my own since I cant get anyone to commit to my schedule nor I to theirs. It takes alot of planning to cover all the possibles. And yes! Always stay off the well traveled roads.

  2. Off the Beaten Path as they Say :-]
